Monday 3 March 2008


The research begins:

(Divine) inspiration...

I spoke with Patrick about my two ideas for the Creative Graphic Design module.

Idea number 1 -  "Peruviania", was suggested last week by Louise and Joanna - the idea came from a word I had made up during the evening and expanded into a country populated by shabby, peasant like beings and ruled over by a deity. This idea was quickly discarded!

Idea number 2 - to design an identity for my neighbour, Matt, and his music duo. This would involve designing an ID or logo and incorporating this into various types of promotional items. I was worried that this would be too similar to much of my work done in my business. Patrick agreed with me and I will not be doing this.

In discussing possible themes with Patrick and Co., he suggested I base the module on The Bible. Quite a large area to tackle there!

Despite the initial shock at the scope of the suggestion - not at the suggestion itself - this could be a valuable idea.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Our new assignment...

has to be something completely creative and of our own choice.

I am, up to press, devoid of inspiration.

"Peruviania" - don't ask - was a contender.